Super Junior Interview at Dorm

> Reporter: Is there someone among the members who acts like a mother? Someone who takes care of the members well? - Donghae: Ryeowook is like that. He's good at washing the dishes and when he sees food in the refrigerator, he asks the members "Do you want me to make something for you?". He's good at cooking too. > Reporter: Who has the most severe sleeping habits? - Leeteuk: Shindong. He snores very loudly and takes off all his clothes. When our Auntie first came to clean the dorm, she went to Shindong's room and was very shocked haha. > Reporter: What are some advantages and disadvantages of living in a dorm? - Leeteuk: The disadvantage is that there is no privacy. To be honest I want to date and meet a girlfriend, but if I'm in my room quietly talking to someone on the phone, members will keep coming in asking "Who are you talking to?". However, there are more advantages. You don't get lonely. There's always a friend i...