Naskah Drama Bahasa Inggris (2 Perempuan, 2 Laki-Laki)

Apabila ingin meng-copy, tolong sertakan sumbernya! Terima kasih

(Terjadi tabrakan)
Muti: aaaww...
Isanul:oh.. Sorry.. I’m so sorry
Muti: (terus ngomel) What’s wrong?! Where’s your eyes?! What are you looking at?! Argh!
Isanul: (bantuin ngambil buku)
(tiba-tiba tangan keduanya bersentuhan saat mengambil buku yang sama, lalu keduanya saling bertatapan mata)
Isanul : ehmm sorry.  I don’t have some purpose to. I just in a hurry.
Muti : hahh(terkejut, karena yang ditabraknya adalah seorang cowok) ahh emm (malu-malu) oh never mind. It’s my fault because i’m reading a book while i walk.
(tiba-tiba seseorang datang)
Indria : heyy muti (dg nafas terenggah-enggah) where are you going? I search you for a long time. I have searched at some place that you usually visit. But i can’t find you anymore. I’m really happy when i find you here
Muti : (dengerin indria ngomong sambil ngambil buku yang jatuh)
Isanul : hahaha you are so funny (eaaa gombalgambil jurus maut keluar)
Muti : ah really?! Thanks.
Isanul : no no. Not you, But her. (sambil nunjuk indria)
Indria : me? Oh really? Thanks  (ngibas rambut :p) you are so handsome *kedipkedipmata:p
Indria : Oh c’mon Mut. We have something to do. Follow me (sambil narik tangan muti)
Muti : bye ( ngelambai ke isanul)
Isanul : bye

Muti : hey, look at him. He is so handsome, isn’t him?
Indria : oh. Him? U like him? (sambil denger lagu)
Muti : i don’t know. But maybe?
Indria : try to go out with him, then.
Muti : hmm, how?
Indria : write in a paper. Then give it to him
Muti : yeah. U are right (langsung nulis)
Bisma : hey nul i think,they are looking at us. Huahaha. Now i know what the other handsome guys feel. They know that i’m handsome. They really have good eyes
Isanul : (diem aja gaya sok cool -_-)
(muti+indria lewat sambil ngelempar kertas ke isanul+bisma)
Isanul : (ngebuka suratnya) what is this? Hey bis! I think this is for you?
Bisma : hahaha it’s like what have i said before. They want to go out with me after school.
Isanul : oh really? Good then.
Bisma : now i know that there are not guys that handsome than me. (ketawa2 gak jelas-_-)

(pulang sekolah)
(Indria sama muti jalan bareng tiba2 muncul bisma)
Bisma: hellooo beatiful girls
Indria: what do you want from us?
Bisma : both of you ask me to go out with you, right?
Muti : whatt?? When do i ask you??
Bisma : he’eh... you throw a paper to me in before. Don’t be shy. I really know that i’m so handsome and make both of you become so in love with me
Muti & indria : what??
Indria : you are too confident -_-
Muti: Hey. I throw that paper to your friend. Not you. Oh god-_-
Bisma: what?? No no no are you kidding?? So you choose someone like that, than someone like me? Ohh ahh my heartt.. my heartt is brokenn. I get reject by a girl?? You have contaminated my reputation.. what will the others say if they know this??
Indria : heyy mut. It’s him!! (nunjuk ichsanul)
Muti: oh ya. Ichsanul! Wait me!! (ngejer ichsanul)
Indria : (sambil ngeliatin bisma yg masih meratapi nasibnya) hahaha poor you! You better go out with your chickens. (ngibas rambut smbil pergi)
Bisma : (diam masih sambil meratap)


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