
Showing posts from 2017

Catatan Perjalanan

Kebahagiaan itu diciptakan, bukan disediakan! Tulisan ini berisi catatan perjalanan seorang perempuan tomboy berkacamata bersama teman-temannya. Singkatnya catatan perjalanan saya sendiri sih, hehe. Berawal dari ide iseng Pak PU organisasi saya yang mengusulkan untuk menulis sebuah catatan perjalanan ketika para warga organisasi saya berlibur kemarin. Namun sayangnya saya lupa atas usulan tersebut dan akhirnya batal. Yah walaupun Pak PU tidak menagih tulisan yang Ia sebut ‘Caper’ tersebut, namun saya tetap menganggapnya hutang, dan hutang tentu harus dibayar kan hehehe. Sebelumnya maafkan saya Pak PU, kan saya sibuk hihi Rencananya sih besok ketika saya berlibur di Palembang, dia mengusulkan menganjurkan saya untuk menulis sebuah catatan perjalanan sebagai pengganti atas batalnya tulisan catatan perjalanan yang sebelumnya saya janjikan akan ditulis tersebut. Tapi, kebetulan hari ini saya dan beberapa teman seperjuangan di SMA ngebolang ke sebuah lokasi di Bangka, ta-daa, ...

Example of Descriptive and Expository Paragraph

Name : Mutiara Pratama Putri.                  Student ID : 1500026038.                              Class : C. 1.         Descriptive Paragraph My Mother My family consists of four people. There are me, my father, my mother, and my little brother. My mother is the closest family member to me. She is the most perfect and important person that I have in my life. I love my mother so much. All things that relate to my mother is the most favorite things that i have. There are many things that make her bec omes a special person in my life. First, she has many kind personalities. She always teaches me about the things that I have to do or I don’t have to do to others in my life. She teaches me to have positive minds even if I am not in ...

Foreigner in Indonesia

Reading 3 Task The Group’s Member : Mutiara Pratama Putri. Fitria. Sonya Audia. Fatma Fadhilah. Foreigner in Indonesia Indonesia is a country with big number of people. Indonesian are friendly and respect each other, although there are many ethnic groups in Indonesia. Another factor that make Indonesia special is this country has tropical climate, so that is why Indonesia has beautiful nature. This beautiful nature usually is exploited by Indonesian as a tour place. There are many tour places in Indonesia that is beautiful as another tour places overseas. Indonesia also has many cultures. These cultures has many various of kinds that are unique and special. Some of these factors make foreigners become interested in visiting Indonesia. Beside that, other foreigners are interested to start a life in Indonesia, too. Because some of those factors make them happy and comfortabke to live in Indonesia. But, every decision that we make also has influence, too. Some are bad i...

Formalism and Early Structuralism, 1914–1960

Literary Theory Formalism and Early Structuralism, 1914–1960 Arranged by : Fitria (1500026011) Fani Alfionita Sari (1500026018) Fatma Fadhilah (1500026037) Mutiara Pratama Putri (1500026038) Shella Antoro Putri (1500026040) Ani Masruroh (1500026044) Sonya Audia ( 1500026050) English Literature Department Faculty of Literature, Culture, and Communication Ahmad Dahlan University 2016 Preface In spite of the enormous influence of Eliot, Leavis, and the New Critics, our current perspectives on the study of literature perhaps more to continental Europe than to England and the United States. The continental European tradition of literary studies that is responsible for this begins in Russia, in the second decade of the twentieth century, in Moscow and St Petersburg. It finds a new home in Prague in the late 1920s, when the political climate in the Soviet Union has become too repressive, and travels to France (by way of New York City) after the Sec...

The Last of The Mohicans Analysis

SIMPLIFIED BOOK REPORT THE LAST OF THE MOHICANS Arranged by : Fitria (1500026011) Mutiara Pratama Putri (1500026038) Shella Antoro Putri (1500026040) ENGLISH LITERATURE DEPARTMENT FACULTY OF LITERATURE, CULTURE, AND COMMUNICATION AHMAD DAHLAN UNIVERSITY YOGYAKARTA THE LAST OF THE MOHICANS ANALYSIS A.            THEME The theme in The Last of The Mohicans story is relationship with others. It is revealed that if we do good to people, people will do the same. And also if we do bad to people, people will do the bad to us. The example is the relationship between The Delawares and The Mohicans. Although The Delawares are in different side with The Mohicans, because of the good relationship that has been made by them in past time, they don’t fight with each other but help each other when they are in difficult situation. B.             CHARACTER Th...