English Speech

Example 1 :

Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

The honorable ma’am formiyeti
My beloved friends in Twelve Science Six

First, let’s say thanks to Allah swt. who has give us the healthy so we can come together in this morning without some obstacle. 

In this occassion, i will give my speech aboutThe impact of social media for teenager’s Lifestyle or teenager’s society. In this globalisation era that become more modern, certainly it will not escaped from the information technology development that make many people create technologies that can help human work.

One of them is the social media. This social media certainly is strange for us, because many of us use or have social media, for the older or the younger. The example of social media that usually hear or usually is used by us in our lifetime are Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, BBM etc. because of the number of social media that enter to our life, so as a students we must smart in choosing where is the good and give the benefits for us and where is not.

Not all social media can bring the positive impact for the users. Moreover, most of the users are the students that generally still a not stabil teenagers. So that make them always want to follow the exist trend without thinking for the positive and negative impact. Because of that, let’s together become careful for these positive and negative impact that is made by the social media.

First, the positive impact. The positive impact that we can get and use for our lifetime are :
1. As the communication  media that is more effective than change letter through post.
2. as the media that can spread widely the news or information fast.
3. as a media that can help students in learning process.
4. as media that can know the news that is up to date or trending in this era.
5. As the media that can expand the friendship, etc.

That is some of many positive impacts that we can get from socal media. There are also some negative impacts that we can avoid from the social media using.They are :
1.  Make the students become lazy to study because their spare time is use to play twitter, facebook, etc.
2. the student’s study time become decrease.
3. The appear of sites that is not bring the positive impact for the students like pornography, online games, violence, etc.
4. make students become dependence with social media.
5. The less of social connection for society around their environment in physical, etc.

So, that is some impacts that we can notice from the information technology development especially the socail media. Next, the message that i want to tell to our friends in fight are we must have a critical attitude for the information technology development like the social media. Don’t just because we want to follow the this age trend, we ignore the study time.

That’s the speech that i want to tell. Hopefully it will bring the benefits for all of my friend here. I’m sorry if there are some word that is not pleased. Thank you for the time and the attention.

Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

Example 2 :

Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

The honorable ma’am formiyeti as english teacher
And My beloved friends in Twelve Science Six

First, let’s say thanks to God who has give us the health so we can come together in this place without any obstacle.

My beloved friends,
As we know, lately some foreign cultures that come to Indonesia bring a big impact to Indonesian’s life, especially the teenager’s life. One of good impact that we can get from western cultures for Indonesia is we can evaluate some Indonesia cultures that is not suitable, so we can make Indonesia becomes better.

But not all the foreign cultures bring the good impact to students. Many criminal acts that happen lately are also one of bad impact from the foreign cultures that comes to us. It happen because the youths of Indonesia imitate the foreign culture that based on their opinion can also be done in our country.

The influence of foreign cultures are really strong for the students. It has made many students lost their identity as an Indonesian youth. It can be looked from the students’ lifetime. In fashion style, many of them dress like people in the west country. They wear cloth that isn’t suitable with Indonesia cultures. Not many students who want to behave like Indonesia cultures. In social life, most of the youths rarely do some social communication with other. They usually play their HandPhone in every condition and time. In attitude, there are many teenagers that isn’t well mannered and ignorat to the environment around them. It’s caused by the globalisation that submit freedom, so they act as they want.

If all of that impact is ignored, it will make the youth generation becomes bad. They will have a bad attitude and nasionalism. They will not have a love for Indonesia cultures and care about people around them.

There are many acts that the Indonesia youth must have to cofront the western cultures that come to Indonesia. They must have a love for Indonesia cultures, critical character, and a particular character. They must also increase their knowledge, do all the religion order well, selective with the western culture and also the impacts of it. These acts can make Indonesia become a developed country without the foreign cultures influence.

That’s the end of my speech today. I’m sorry if i have not some suitable words in my speech. Thankyou for your attention, and Assalamu’alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.


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