The Modern Technology in Modern Era

The Modern Technology in Modern Era
Technology is something that is used to help people do their task. This thing always develop with many new facilities that is not provided before. As long as the develop of era, the technology also develops to adjust with it.
There are many technologies that are made and developed to help people do their tasks more easily. Different technologies give many different benefits. The example is phone. There are many different types of phone. There is one type of phone that can be used to make some calls and send messages only. There is also the other type of phone that can be used to access internet, beside to make some calls or to send messages.
The facility where we can access internet has been provided almost in all technologies in this modern era. It makes us get many informations easily. Internet is like something that knows all things that we do not know. Beside of the benefit that is given by this one of the modern technology, it also gives many disadvantages for us. That is why the modern technology actually just become something that is dangerous for people, especially children.
The easy way that we get makes us become too dependent with it. We always use the technology to get some informations than asking the people around us to get some information. From this statement we know that technology also make us become more individual. Beside it, technology can’t controll the access and exchange of information. The uncontrolled access and exchange of information is really dangerouse especially for children. The bad information can be access by us, too, because there is not controll in it. Something like pornography can be access easily. This is one of the most bad impact.
To avoid the technology because of the bad impacts is not a good idea, too. It will make us become a left behind person if we do that. The thing that we must do is we must use the technology more carefully. We must also controll our children when they use the technology to access some informations. We must also warn ourselves that god doesn’t like it if we do some bad acts. If we do it, there will be a possibility that the bad impacts will not come to us.


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